Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Morning Sweep

Lots of coverage of yesterday's two rallies in Rochester protesting Monroe County's move to appeal a recent appellate court decision that called for recognizing all same-sex marriages legally performed out-of-state as fully valid in New York.

Rochester's paper, the Democrat & Chronicle, writes an interesting, half-bad-half-good editorial declaring that the County is right to appeal but calling on the state legislature to take action on marriage equality and solve the issue once and for all.

The Daily News reports on a messy break-up between a lesbian couple and the New York Post covers a divorce sought from a different lesbian couple who had gone to Canada to marry in 2004.

One of the founders of Microsoft has left $65 million of his estate to LGBT groups in Seattle--the largest estate gift ever in the gay rights movement.

The Buffalo News writes more about the debate within Buffalo's LGBT community about whether or not the nominee to head the city's human rights commission is anti-gay.

The Times, over the weekend, detailed the extreme difficulties of being openly gay on the otherwise laid-back island of Jamaica.

Times Magazine writer Deborah Solomon interviews Texas Governor Rick Perry on his upcoming book about Boy Scouting and his steadfast defense of not letting gays be scouts. His replies demonstrate that he's not much smarter than his predecessor.

New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine has "significant concerns" that civil unions do not provide the same rights as full marriage equality, but doesn't want to sign a bill during a presidential election year.

Marjorie Hill, CEO of GMHC, spoke to students and members of the public at Syracuse University about how far we've come/where we still need to go with HIV/AIDS in America.

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