Thursday, August 20, 2009

Morning Sweep

The NYCLU has filed a federal lawsuit against New York State's Mohawk Central School District, alleging that the district failed to protect a student from continued harassment based on his sexual orientation.

A San Francisco judge has set a Jan. 2010 court date for the federal challenge to Prop. 8.

Hundreds of activists gathered in downtown Anchorage, Alaska, earlier this week to protest Mayor Dan Sullivan's veto of a measure that would have added sexual orientation and gender identity to the city's non-discrimination laws.

The gender testing of record-breaking running star Caster Semenya to verify that she is biologically female sheds light on the issue of gender identity in professional sports.

This column written by a member of the Chicago Tribune's editorial board reflects on how despite their doomsaying about the catastrophic affects marriage for same-sex couples will have on society, anti-marriage forces are unwilling to make any specific predictions on how exactly this end of civilization as we know it will occur.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America continues to move closer to endorsing the ordination of openly gay clergy.

The ad below has begun running in Maine, where a referendum on the state's recently passed marriage equality law is expected to take place.

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