Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Morning Sweep

Andrew Belonsky talks about Democrats' desire for gay dollars in the 2008 elections, while 365Gay.com talks about the importance of gay voters--which make up approx. 4% of the voting population--during the primaries.

Florida's anti-gay marriage groups got some surprising news today: they're still 21,000 signatures short of getting their constitutional amendment banning gay marriage on the ballot--and the deadline is in two weeks.

Good As You has been researching the anti-gay past of Republican presidential contender Ron Paul.

One of the bloggers on Pam's House Blend posts on the important difference between Hillary's support for a partial repeal of DOMA and Obama and Edward's support for a full repeal.

The New York Times reports that a strain of flesh eating bacteria has been disproportionately affecting gay men in San Francisco and Boston.

A Republican lawmaker in Iowa started pushing for a ban on same-sex marriage on the first day of the state's legislative session.

AfterElton invites you to vote for the Gay People's Choice Awards for movies, TV and music in 2007.

Some new research insinuates that gay relationships may be happier and healthier than straight ones.

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