Friday, January 25, 2008

Morning Sweep

Dennis Kucinich, one of the only Presidential candidates who publicly supports full marriage equality, has announced his withdrawal from the 2008 Presidential contest.

The New York City Council will be debating a resolution today that calls for the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Queerty runs its "Part 2" of Editor Andrew Belonsky's interview with openly gay U.S. Senate candidate Jim Neal.

The AP reports that many LGBT activists are frustrated with the leading Democratic presidential candidates' pattern of actively seeking gay dollars, but rarely discussing gay issues on the campaign trail.

Hudson Valley's LGBT Center is hosting a forum on Saturday about how LGBT people can take full advantage of state benefits.

A new feature-length documentary has been produced to counter the selective use of the bible to perpetuate anti-gay sentiments.

Some hateful Iowans are trying to impeach the judge who ruled that the state's DOMA is unconstitutional.

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