Monday, August 11, 2008

Morning Sweep

Camille S. Hopkins, Buffalo's first city official to transition openly, talks to The Buffalo News about the "intolerance" she's faced at work and why she is moving to Portland, OR.

The Lower Hudson Valley News featured a story this weekend about a trans teenager's battle against hate and discrimination in her Rockland County high school.

In the Times of Trenton, George Amick says that those supporting marriage equality in New Jersey look to legislators -- not courts -- to bring full civil marriage rights to the state agenda.

A Florida Congressional candidate publicly "evolves" on the issue of gay couples adopting.

The New York Times reports what bearing social initiatives on state ballots may have on the presidential race. There are currently three states with marriage bans on their ballots: Arizona, California and Florida; 27 states have already passed similar laws prohibiting marriage equality.

Read this article to see which LGBT-related issues made the 2008 Democratic platform.

That the "insensitive" Snickers commercial was finally pulled marks a small shift in the how the advertising industry markets around LGBT people and issues.

An Indonesian trans woman living in San Francisco wins asylum after much ado in court.

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