Thursday, August 21, 2008

Morning Sweep

The Dignity for All Students Act has been amended to make it stronger and address concerns raised by the State Education Department.

The same New Jersey poll that reveals that the state’s residents see marriage equality as inevitable also shows they are in support of transgender protections. More than half of those polled said it was unfair for insurance companies to discriminate against transgender people by not covering the medical treatments needed to transition.

The Denver Post reflects on the 358 LGBT delegates who will attend the Democratic National Convention.

The anti-gay Family Research Council has released its 25 policy goals to be distributed at the upcoming Conventions, and 9 of them directly affect the LGBT community.

Janet Edwards, a Pittsburgh Presbyterian pastor who officiated over a lesbian wedding in 2005, will face charges in her church’s court that she defied church rules.

The AP highlights the need for anti-bullying and harassment legislation for students with the story of a Florida principal who conducted a "witch hunt" against gay students at his school.

Hallmark will soon roll out a line of cards for same-sex marriages and commitment ceremonies.

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